Updated: July 16, 2024
We have released an application aimed at foreign nationals who are seeking professional employment in Japan to help them learn specialized and technical terms on their own.
The app is available for free download on both the App Store and Google Play, so anyone can use it. Please give it a try!
You can also access it via the QR code (compatible with both iPhone and Android).
① Home Screen of the App
This is the screen displayed when the app starts.
② Selecting a Category
By pressing the globe icon in the top-right corner, you can select the language used within the app (Japanese or English).
Choose the category you want to study.
You can also search for specific technical terms using the search function (available in both Japanese and English).
③ Checking the Specialized Terms You Want to Learn
Terms will be displayed in English, Japanese, and with Japanese pronunciation guides.
Tap on the specialized term you want to learn more about.
④ Pronunciation and Example Sentences
You can view details about the specialized term you selected.
By tapping the speaker icon, you can hear the pronunciation.
The pronunciation will follow the language setting chosen in step ②:
⑤ Test
Once you’ve finished studying a category, try taking the test.
The test offers three levels, from Level 1 to Level 3.
Keep practicing until you pass Level 3 for each category!